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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where do you treat for Mosquitoes? How does this compare to the other treatments?


A: Mosquitoes like to hang out in trees, bushes, and other areas that are damp and shady. We focus our treatments on these areas. Although our technicians focus on the areas mentioned, they do typically hit your yard to help decrease other insects as a courtesy with any treatment left in their blowers. This differs from treating for fleas, ticks and chigger. Those pests typically hide in the grass, especially taller grass and brush piles. We focus solely on these areas when treating for fleas, ticks and chiggers. Our exterior barrier treatment is aimed to prevent pests from getting inside, so we focus near and around your actual indoor living areas. 

Q: What warranties do you offer?


A: We offer a full satisfaction guaranteed warranty for mosquito services and stand alone flea, tick and chigger service. We cannot guarantee that you will see zero activity as our system is designed to create a barrier on your property and we cannot control neighboring property issues. In addition, we highly recommend you follow all of our guidelines to ensure you have the best outcome. With our add on flea, tick and chigger service we do not warranty zero activity, but you will have a significant reduction of these pests on your property. Our exterior barrier treatment will offer a significant reduction of pests inside your home as well as outside, however we cannot warranty zero activity with these treatments. If you are ever unsatisfied with our services please let us know so we have the opportunity to provide the best experience possible.

Q: How long until we can go outside? How long does the treatment last? 


A: We ask that you wait 30 minutes before using outside areas to let the treatment have time to sufficiently dry. Our mosquito service lasts 21 days for the synthetic spray and 14 for the all natural. Our flea tick and chigger service lasts 21 day and our ExteriorBarrier treatments are designed to last 90 days. 

Q:What if it rains on my treatment day?


A: Mosquito Mitch does not spray during times of rain, however we can spray shortly after. If it rains after your spray, as long as the treatment had sufficient time to dry, your yard will be protected. If you have any issues, please call us so we can come back and retreat under our Mosquito Mitch warranty!

Q: Is your spray safe for pets, kids, fish and bees?


A: Our spray is perfectly safe for pet and kids! We utilize one of the safest sprays on the market and all of our treatments are EPA approved. We also offer an all natural spray if you prefer. Anything we use can be found on your statement and is easily accessible. In addition, our technicians are trained to avoid ponds and other areas with fish as well as any pollinating plants in order to protect exposure to honey bees and aquatic life. 

Q: How will I know what day you are coming and how will I know you sprayed?


A: We always send a text and e-mail notification the day before your scheduled treatment so you can ensure gates are unlocked and pets are put away the day of service. Once we are done with treatment, our technician will leave a door tag noting the time of service and anything you might need to address to help decrease mosquito populations. 


Q: Do you treat any other pests?


A: We focus on Mosquito treatments, however we do treat for fleas, ticks and chiggers as well as general pests that may include spiders, roaches, ants, and other insects. All of our services are exterior only as our barrier treatments are very effective in preventing interior pests as well as exterior. Our other company, Orange Mouse offers removal of larger pests such as mice, yellow jacket nests, and other wildlife. 

Q: What should we do to prepare for our treatment?


A: Please make sure all gates are unlocked and your yard is accessible that day. In addition, please ensure all pets are inside if you plan on leaving at any time during the day. Our technicians begin at 7:30 am and typically spray until 4:30 pm, they may come at any time between those hours.  We utilize location routing and although we can reschedule if needed, it can be challenging to stay on the 21 day cycle when rescheduling which will affect your mosquito population. 

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